Make it Snow!
Updated: Feb 2

Just last week we were so excited to see big ‘ole snowflakes falling to the ground. Several hours later, we had our first considerable amount of snowfall! Today’s blog is equally exciting as we talk about how we are designed by God’s skillful hands, unique from others, and designed to ‘make it snow’.
Although snow is a rare event in the south, last week it snowed in places where they have never experienced any accumulation of snow. Snowflakes are one of nature’s most delicate creations, demonstrating diversity and generating enchantment. To understand the message of the uniquely designed snowflake, we must first consider how snowflakes are formed.
A snowflake begins as a tiny particle, like dust, pollen, or an ice crystal. As the particle travels through the atmosphere, water begins to attach itself to the particle, and layer by layer, a snowflake is formed. As crystallization occurs, the ice crystal resembles a hexagonal pattern with distinctly unique markings. A snowflake’s journey through the atmosphere with varying temperatures and humidities help shape its exclusive design. The complexity of a snowflake’s formation is a testament of the intricate assembling of molecules by its Great Creator, God. Because of their distinct characteristics, no two snowflakes are alike. Each snowflake is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece, unique to its journey and created with limitless opportunities for design.
When the meteorologist barely mentions the possibility of snow, especially in the south, people get overly excited! Their giddiness thinking about playing in the snow, throwing snowballs, watching the big ole flakes fall from the sky, and the possibility of any measurable thickness once the snow begins to stick to the ground is so thrilling. People anxiously watch the weather reports with such enthusiasm, already planning what to do on their snowy day off from work, school, and other adult responsibilities. Massive preparations begin to occur ‘just in case’ we get snowed in or the local roads are impassable. People rush to the grocery store, fill their vehicles with gas, gather the firewood, and prep the generator in case the power goes off. All this extra attention with the whisper of the word snow.
Although the snowflake makes its exciting arrival as individually unique flakes, each snowflake combines with other snowflakes to create a beautiful white, fluffy blanket covering earth’s landscape. Individually unique, but collectively whole. And that is where I want to take this blog. You are individually unique, but collectively you are part of the whole, God’s family.
Each one of us is wonderfully made in the likeness of an amazing God. He looks at us and would not change a thing about us. God has deposited in our spirits unique qualities that set us apart from everyone else. Yet, God’s desire is for us to collectively reflect His glory. Like a snowflake, we are individually different, but collectively whole. Your ‘snowflake’ is not dependent on your family, any generational curse, or what others think of you! You are magnificently made by God and for a special purpose. In Psalm 139:14, David states that “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made”. Ephesians 2:10 reminds us of that “we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”. And in Romans 8:28, Paul tells us that “we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and who have been called according to His purpose”. Wow, did you hear that? We are uniquely made and created for His purpose!
Like a snowflake, we are uniquely and wonderfully made by God. That means we have characteristics that set us apart from others. Although we are made in the image of a perfect King, our life journey also prepares us to do Kingdom work! Sometimes the things that we live through, or experience, provide us with wisdom to help others who may be going through similar things. We may never know what troubles people carry around with them every day. Sometimes when I sit and ‘people watch’ I try to imagine if the person is carrying a baggage full of emotions, regret, ambition, or desires. Sometimes you can look at their face to see if they are troubled or if their smile is not only coming from their face, but also deeply shining in their eyes. How many times have you carried a bag of ‘heavy stuff from your life’ and only wished someone would come to help you carry it? How many times did you want to drop your ‘stuff’ off but did not know how?
A simple smile or a kind word can give people the hope that they may need to carry on. Being kind does not require extra work on our part. If we are a Christian, then kindness should come naturally. Everybody experiences trials and tribulations. It is how we react to the situation that reflects God’s love. God plants us where He needs us to be so when He needs us, we will be present. He often nudges our hearts to be kind, smile, or help. Think about a time when someone’s smile or assistance came at a critical time in your life. How did it make you feel? Did their smiles or encouraging words give you hope?
As Christians, we must be prepared for those times when God nudges our hearts. Writing scripture on our hearts allows us to remember God’s word during a crisis, allowing us to share spiritual insight into the situation. When folks are going through a situation, they often get distracted by the situation and us helping them (with scripture) can make all the difference. On any given day, we pass by people who are givers and those who are takers. People give encouragement to others, always happy and humming a heartfelt tune. Just to see them coming brings joy to your heart. Then there are those who no one wants to see coming because they are always bitter, grumbling, or emitting negativity. These are people we try to avoid or love to see them leave. But should we be that way? Not really. God expects us to love others even when it is uncomfortable for us to do. If God is truly living inside your heart, then you see things differently, like He would see them, and not with your earthly eyes. You may be the answer to a prayer that someone else has pleaded with God about.
How do we know what God wants us to do? I am so glad you asked! Just like a snowflake, its moisture lands wherever God sends it and as it melts, its water gives life to whatever it touches. You are a lot like that snowflake, uniquely designed and uniquely placed. Fill your heart with happiness and love so when someone needs encouragement, it comes naturally flowing from your watered spirit. You may never know how many times in a day that God uses your spirit to minister to someone else! To be ready to share God’s love with others, you must spend time in prayer, reading the Word, and taking time to refill yourself. Romans 15:13 says “now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit”. When you abide in God, He fills your ‘cup’ so it runs over to touch others. If your ‘cup’ is low or empty, then you might not have enough spirit to share. I John 4:13 says ‘by this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. Every day, abide in Him and fill your cup so that His love, through you, spills over to others. And at the end of the day, always do the right thing, defined by God’s love and spirit in you. Jordan Feliz has a beautiful song called “Praise God for That”. In the song, he praises God for all the goodness that He has shown in his life. And because of that, he praises God for all the goodness that He’s shown in his life. Can you shout Hallelujah and praise Him for all the goodness He has shown in your life? If you have been living in the blessings He has given you and you have a song down inside your soul, don't hold it back! Praise God for that!
The thought behind today’s blog is to remind us to be like a snowflake. Land where God sends you, so others are excited to see you and your love for God! Leave a piece of His spirit with them before you leave. Be the difference. Be a snowflake and make it snow!
Praise God for That by Jordan Feliz
DISCLAIMER: I hereby declare that I do not own the rights to this music/song. All rights belong to the owner. No Copyright Infringement Intended.